Winter Break at Center Parcs

We have just returned from a 5 day break at Center Parcs in Woburn. Having never been to a Center Parcs before, we weren’t really sure what to expect – but we all had a great time!  Ir was quite hilly,and the 3 bedroom lodge  that we stayed in was at the top of one…

Veggie Fritters

I have been trying to find new ways to get vegetables into Miss D, and ways to make them more interesting. Today we tried some fritters, these are a great way of using up whatever you have around the house, they are ridiculously way to make, and the kids can help too.  Ingredients  1 medium…

Working Out!

Continuing my mission to get a bit fitter and healthier this year, I am trying eat a bit healthier (i.e. less chocolate!), and work out when I can. I have been following the Body Coach for a while now and have his recipe books – and although I don’t follow the recipes religiously they do give me…

Healthy(ish) Blueberry & Oat Muffins

It’s been a wet weekend for us – so much for the snow we were promised!  Because of the wet weather we have stayed indoors and made some blueberry muffins.  To ease the guilt somewhat we have added some oats, and I also snuck in some linseed and ground almonds when no one was looking……

My Bullet Journal

I am going to create a bullet journal to track what I am doing each week – plus I can feed my (minimal) arty side at the same time! I had never heard of a bullet journal until very recently – I saw a Facebook friend talking about it, so I did some research (on Pinterest,…

New Year, New Plans

The mania of Christmas and New Year is over, and normality has resumed! I am back at work, Miss D is back at Pre-school, life is starting to feel calm again. We had a wonderful festive season, but it was so busy and got a bit overwhelming for Miss D at times – we had…

This is me…

Hi! I realise that I have never really given much information about me and my little family, so I thought that it was appropriate to start 2017 with my background, and why I started to blog. I am (*cough) 38, and live in Berkshire with my husband Ben.  We have been together for 14 years,…